Stereotypes are unavoidable. And, of course, fun. But they wouldn't be nearly as fun or funny if they weren't based on truth. Yeah, we always strive not to label people, but what would we do without blanket statements and blatantly non-PC social commentary? Some would say utopia. I would suggest hell. But if you like hell, maybe it's one and the same. For instance, if I couldn't make a general statement like, "People who live in Boston are stubborn massholes," or people in LA are "fake-baking, bling-loaded chumps," how else could we address their social backwardness while still eliciting a chuckle? The fact is, people who get labeled generally accept it and laugh along with it. It doesn't mean they'll change, and in fact might create some pride in their mocked lifestyles, but at least it's been addressed in a way that is more enjoyable than the painful truth.
Obviously stereotypes can hurt, but they also can teach us something more about ourselves if we study them in the right light. SNL and MAD TV use stereotypes to make us laugh, while simultaneously addressing issues that are volatile and hot-button. I don't think I need to be careful of stereotypes, because I recognize that no one person individually fits within a stereotype, however, we all have ways about us that do put us more toward one or the other. I think it is better to celebrate our differences and laugh at ourselves than allow ourselves to get so easily offended.
Believe me, no offense taken.
i fit the stereotype of girls that like to shop...
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