However, as an independent-minded person, a "go it aloner" or as a radically autonomous individual, you might also enjoy some other strategies.
1. If you have a long term cast or splint, it can get irremediably smelly. Or so you thought. You can actually fairly effectively nullify the stench with a spray or two of cologne every other day. Armani, Hugo Boss, and Givenchy are all options, but if you like other stuff that's fine. For instance, I would not expect a woman to spray her leg with cologne. That's just odd.
2. If you have a hand cast or splint with some fingers exposed, you can still use them. Of course, you should be careful, especially if the fingers exposed effect the position and subsequent healing of the fingers that are in the cast. But, it is indeed liberating to be able to put on pants with one hand and a thumb, or type with one hand and your ring finger. Your newfound abilities will impress friends (you might even try cutting stake with a few fingers).
3. Refuse help regularly. If people offer to open jars, bottles, packages, or carry things for you, brush them off. First off, you can do it, and second, if it takes you a while and looks ridiculously awkward, you tend to get more sympathy. You become thence empowered from within and without. People will become amazed by your coping abilities, and you will feel somewhat fulfilled in being able to do what were before minor tasks.
Well, those are my tips for you. But the best tip I can provide is to not break things (I speak specifically of bones). Just don't do really risky things if you can help it...or just don't do a lot of them with great frequency. And, if you don't heed my advice about breaking stuff, at least you have a good approach for what to do when you're broken.
1 comment:
Sweet pic of the dog.
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