However, some people are stupid. This should come as no surprise. People we like are not necessarily people we will love, or even like, in the future. However, some people tend to think that if they are liked it's like a curse that can only be cured by them being a complete jerk to the person who likes them, by leading them on, or treating them like trash. Then, of course the liker feels bad, but tries hard anyway, fails, and gets burned. Then the person who didn't like the person all of a sudden gets a conscience and realizes they were stupid and turn around and like the liker. Or they don't. Either way, it's dumb. Games are not worth it. Life is too short.
But here's something that I've come across in recent weeks that irks me. I guess this might be where the maxim doesn't hold true. I have been writing my blog, working, doing my thang, and every now and then I get anonymous love letters or weird off-color notes. Now, if they were from girls that'd be fine. But they're not. Gay guys are making passes at me online. And, I am not gay. Not even a little. And, while I suppose it's nice to be flattered, I want to crush any hope that these deviants will ever have. I don't play for your team. I never will. Get the #$%! away from me.
I guess that kind of ruins your maxim of "I like people who like me." Maybe it needs to be rephrased into "I like people who both I want to like me and who like me."
Every rule has its exception.
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