Whenever I speak to girls about traits they look for in a guy, ordinarily the first thing I hear is "funny." If a guy can make a girl laugh he's in. It's not compassion, honesty, intelligence, athleticism or even looks. If a guy is funny he's set. So basically, if you are one of those guys who looks like he got his face smashed seven times with a shovel and run over by a Mack truck, as long as you know how to crack a joke or drop a one liner, you can marry Michelle Pfeifer. There is hope for those of you on a strict "donut/beer" diet! Just be funny. That is the answer. You can lie, cheat, steal, smell bad, be lazy...but as long as you have that wry smile, a glimmer in your eye, and can bust out a clever stand up routine, you're home free. What are women thinking? Funny is good, but let's not overlook the other stuff.
Well, if what you postulate has some truth to it, then you ought to be doing great with the girls! "Cause you are a "funny" guy.
OF COURSE being funny is part of the natural equation of attraction. However, that's not "the only thing" we women are looking for, as I know you're well aware. CLEARLY, the guy has to be a good DRESSER, too! ;) j/k
You think I'm funny? Oh, that makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
who honestly wants to spend copious amounts of time with someone who they can't laugh with? being serious is way too overrated.
I don't think being serious was ever "rated."
You really are unbelievable....!
Seriousness may have never been rated, but if it were to be...it would surely be on the bottom of the list. That said, girls want to laugh (at least from my experience). We want to have fun. There's enough sternness and sobriety in the world--let me laugh and you're good to go.
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